Monday, April 27, 2009

Searching for keyword values in a text (configuration) file in R

Taken from :

Question :
I would like to read values from an ASCII text file that contains information in the following format:

CPU_SPEED = '1999', '233'
How can I e.g. get R to read the 2nd value of CPU_SPEED?

Answer :

Read in data using readLines and replace
= with comma and delete all spaces.
Then reread using read.table and set the
rownames to column 1 removing column 1.

# test data
Lines0 <- "DEVICE = 'PC'
CPU_SPEED = '1999', '233'

# if reading from a file then
# replace next line with something like Lines <- readLines("myfile.dat")
Lines <- readLines(textConnection(Lines0))
Lines <- gsub("=", ",", Lines)
Lines <- gsub(" ", "", Lines)
DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), sep = ",", fill = TRUE,
colClasses = "character", header = FALSE)
rownames(DF) <- DF[,1]
DF <- DF[,-1]


Thursday, April 16, 2009

MySQL Command line

How do I import a MySQL dumpfile into my database?
From linux shell :
$mysql -u gocek_egroupware -p gocek_egroupware2_16 < gocek_egroupware_16_eski.sql

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Making animations in Linux with ffmpeg and meconde

This information is taken from

To make an animation from the image files, you may use mencode or ffmepg. Here, we will use mencode. First, all the images need to be converted to .jpg format :

In linux shell, type the following code :

for f in *png ; do convert -quality 100 $f `basename $f png`jpg; done

Then use encoder to create an avi file.

mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=5 -o ModisTerra_Gocek.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=800

I wanted my animation to display slower but setting the frame rate less than 5fps confused vlc, my favorite open source movie player ( :

[00000420] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)

So I created the animation at 5 fps but reduced the playing speed from vlc.

It is also possible to view the animation with mplayer. Mplayer can even display a movie with a frame rate of 1 fps, no problems. One can adjust the move playing speed by pressing the [ and ] keys.