Thursday, June 4, 2009

Converting a kmz file into shapefile format in R

ogr does not recognize the .kml file unzipped from the .kmz file :o(

$unzip infile.kmz
Archive: infile.kmz
inflating: doc.kml
$ ogrinfo doc.kml
Unable to open datasource `gocek_revised_20090604_AC.kml' with the following drivers.
-> KML

so I use gpsbabel to convert the .kml file into gpx format :

gpsbabel -i kml -f doc.kml -o gpx -F doc.gpx

I then load the gpx file into Quantum GIS using the GPS plugin. Then I output the loaded layer into shapefile.

I am sure smarter ways to achieve this exist but that's what I could come up with this fast using OpenSource tools.

vive l'OpenSource!


  1. Hello, I just wanted to add another conversion tool alternative to the gpsbabel product. Have a look at , a free and simple to use software platform, maybe it's useful for you. Thanks.

  2. Thank you very much for keep this information. here

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  4. Доброе время суток! Если еще не поздно, то я окрашивала волосы в салоне на Пришвина. Прекрасно все сделали, вышла очень довольная! Очень советую!
